X-Callback-URL Scheme

Written Down has an x-callback-url scheme to allow for automation and data sharing with other apps. You can use the url scheme with apps like Apple’s Workflow app and others to create & edit entries, open journals etc.

URL Example

writtendown://x-callback-url/[action]?[action parameters]&[x-callback parameters]

URL Actions


Create a new entry in a journal.

action parameters (all are optional)

  • text body text for the new entry
  • journalID a unique identifier for the journal to create an entry in, defaults to first journal if omitted
  • tags comma separated list of tags to add the entry
  • latlng comma separated latitude & longitude values for entry location, defaults to current location if omitted
  • date date & time for the entry in IOS 8601 format, example 2017-12-19T16:39:57-08:00, defaults to current date & time if omitted

x-success return parameters

  • id unique identifier of the new entry
  • text body text of the new entry
  • journalID unique identifier of the new entry journal




Open and display an entry in Written Down.

action parameters

  • id required unique identifier for entry to be opened

x-success return parameters

  • id unique identifier of the opened entry
  • text body text of the opened entry
  • journalID unique identifier of the opened entry journal




Edit text, tags, date or location of an existing entry.

action parameters

  • id required unique identifier of the entry to edit
  • text text to be added to the entry
  • mode whether to append, replace or prepend the text to the entry, defaults to append if omitted
  • tags comma separated list of tags to apply to the entry
  • tagMode whether to append, replace existing tags with tags, or delete these tags from the entry, defaults to append if omitted
  • latlng comma separated latitude & longitude values for entry location. Entry location is not changed if omitted. Pass latlng=delete to remove location from the entry.
  • date date & time for the entry in IOS 8601 format, example 2017-12-19T16:39:57-08:00, unchanged if omitted

x-success return parameters

  • id unique identifier of the modified entry
  • text body text of the modified entry
  • journalID unique identifier of the entry journal




Open and display a journal in Written Down.

action parameters

  • journalID required unique identifier for journal to be opened

x-success return parameters

  • journalID unique identifier of the opened journal

